At that pace the market values them at about two times their annual revenue. 从公开市场来看,这批巨头的市值与年营收之比为两倍。
The bill would exempt retailers with less than$ 1 million in annual revenue, which would include most eBay merchants. 这项法案将对年营收不足100万美元的零售商实行免税,这类企业涵盖了eBay的多数商户。
Acme's annual revenue is more that US$ 3 billion. Acme的年度收入超过30亿美元。
Details of The Huffington Post's business have not been disclosed, but late last year Armstrong said Huffington Post sites brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue. 关于《赫芬顿邮报》业务的细节尚未公布,但阿姆斯特朗去年表示,它的网站带来了数亿美元的年收入。
In a recent presentation to investors, it said the two sectors provided$ 200m-$ 300m of average annual revenue from loan syndications and debt and equity underwriting. 在最近对投资者的介绍中,富国银行表示这两个行业为银团贷款和证券承销的平均年收入贡献了两、三个亿的美元。
Annual revenue has reached$ 23bn. 年营收已达230亿美元。
A study by Accenture found that Asian private bankers generate around$ 600,000 in annual revenue compared with$ 1.1 million in North America and$ 1.3 million in Europe. 埃森哲(Accenture)的一项研究发现,亚洲私人银行家年收入约为60万美元,而北美地区的为110万美元、欧洲地区的是130万美元。
It introduced its next-generation Xeon Phi processor, a piece of technology that the company predicts will drive 20 percent annual revenue growth in its high-performance computing business in the next few years. 首先是推出了英特尔的下一代至强融核(XeonPhi)处理器。据英特尔公司自行估计,未来五年,这款处理器将给它的高性能计算业务带来每年20%的收入增长点。
Annual revenue growth, in dollars, has averaged under 3 per cent in the past decade, according to IDC, with price declines offsetting unit growth. IDC的数据显示,由于价格下跌抵消了市场的增长,过去十年个人电脑业务以美元计价的年均收入增长率不到3%。
Its domestically located businesses have annual revenue exceeding$ 1.2 billion. 中国国内的公司年销售额超过12亿美元。
The advisory service's12 member firms bring in annual revenue totaling more than$ 3 billion for KPMG. 该咨询服务处的12个会员公司每年能为KPMG带来30亿美元的收入。
The government expects an additional RM1 billion in annual revenue one year after the GSt is introduced. 政府预计增加10亿令吉,年收入一年后引入商品及服务税。
These include Spotify, an Anglo-Swedish music-streaming service with more than10m registered users, and Vente Priv é e, a French clothing discounter with annual revenue of some$ 1 billion. 这包括盎格鲁&瑞士的一家音乐流媒体服务Spotify公司,其注册用户超过1000万;而法国服装折扣店VentePrivée每年的收入约$10亿美元。
Many retailers make up to70 percent of their annual revenue in the month preceding Christmas. 许多小商人仅靠圣诞季的销售就能挣到年营业额的70%。
The total amount spent was$ 870m; they are expected to contribute about$ 1bn of annual revenue in 2012. 花费总金额达8.7亿美元;预计这些投资可在2012年贡献约10亿美元的年收入。
Bertelsmann has put its US arm of Direct Group, which has annual revenue of about$ 1bn, up for sale. 贝塔斯曼已经准备将直接集团的美国分公司出售。该分公司的年收入大约10亿美元。
BellSouth Corporation, with operations in four wireless markets, estimates its annual revenue per average customer at about$ 2,000 as compared to$ 860 in the United States. 贝尔南方公司,运营四个无线通信市场,其年收入平均每位客户是2000美元,而在美国是860美元。
Macao is the only place where operators enjoy annual revenue growth of 40 per cent. 运营商的年营收增长率能够达到40%水平的,全世界只有澳门。
The chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan Asia Pacific says that to achieve the bank's target of 40 per cent annual revenue growth in Asia for the next three years, it is continually having to invest in people and infrastructure. 度琪明表示,为了实现未来3年其亚洲收入每年增长40%的目标,该行不得不在人力和基础设施方面持续投资。